(Citation at IRACON 2006, Luknow: Lifetime achievement award)

Dr. Anand Malaviya studied Medicine and did Residency in Medicine at King George's Medical College. He then, proceeded to USA for advanced medical training. After 1 year Residency at Salem Hospital in Massachusetts, he did Fellowship in the division of Clinical Immunology, Department of Medicine at New England Medical Centre (NEMC), Boston under Dr. Robert S. Schwartz. While working at NEMC he gained wide clinical and laboratory experience in the field of systemic autoimmune rheumatic diseases and published the first use of methotrexate in an autoimmune disease. Recognising his clinical and research work done in Boston he was appointed on the faculty of India's prestigious apex medical institution, All-India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), New Delhi. He rose from the position of Assistant Professor in the Department of Medicine to the level of Professor and Chairman, Department of Medicine at the same institution. He then took up a chair in the Department of Medicine at Faculty of Medicine, Kuwait University. After several years of working there he returned to India. Presently he is in practice at ISIC Superspeciality Hospital and 'A&R Clinic for Arthritis and Rheumatism' New Delhi, India
Both at AIIMS, New Delhi and Kuwait University his efforts saw the creation, recognition and rapid expansion of rheumatology as a superspeciality of medicine with setting up of rheumatology clinics, clinical immunology laboratory and Residency/Fellowship training programmes. Rheumatology and Clinical Immunology got recognised by both the Medical Council of India as well as the National Board of Examinations of India mainly through his efforts. This helped in the creation of new departments and centres for Rheumatology and Clinical Immunology in different parts of India (Lucknow, Chennai, Hyderabad). Over the years he has guided a large number of youngsters in their clinical and basic research. The training ground provided for laboratory as well as clinical research spawned many new Professors and Specialist Consultants in Rheumatology and Clinical Immunology who are working at prestigious positions at institutions in India, UK, USA, and the Middle East. In Kuwait his efforts led to the recognition of Rheumatology by Kuwait Institute for Medical Specialization and starting of advanced Fellowship Training Programme towards diploma of Kuwait National Board in Rheumatology.
Dr. Malaviya's clinical interests focused on the study of systemic connective tissue and inflammatory rheumatic diseases in India (and Kuwait) including their epidemiology, clinical characteristics, laboratory features. His work showed for the first time how widespread these diseases were in India (and Kuwait) and how they were getting neglected by the medical fraternity. His work on the differences between clinical manifestations of anti-phospholipid syndrome in 2 different ethnic groups (Indians and Kuwaitis) is widely acclaimed.
Currently his main interest is in CMEs focussing on Primary Care Physicians to improve the referral system for early referrals. He is also involved in the implementation of objective assessment methodologies for the practicing rheumatologists in India.
Possibly the best of Dr. Malaviya comes out when he is doing bed-side teaching of under-graduates and graduate students or, conducting CME activities for primary-care physicians and younger colleagues. This makes him one of the most sought-after teachers for any teaching programme in rheumatology in India and neighbouring countries. He is a popular choice for 'Meet the Professor / Meet the Expert sessions' in CMEs, meetings and conferences.
His patients adore him mainly because he spends a lot of time with each patient writing extensive notes electronically (on a specially designed rheumatology software), indulges in extensive patient-education at each patient visit and best of all, has developed a rheumatology software (with the help of some of his students) that helps him give all the prescriptions, notes, discussions, assessments, investigations, relevant references - all, both as hard copy and if requested, electronically.
As an active member of India Rheumatology Association (has served as Hon. Secretary, Vice-President, President) and Delhi Rheumatology Association (has served as its President, presently its patron), he has been a guiding force for Indian Rheumatology.
(Courtesy: Dr. Siddharth Das, Professor and Head, Department of Rheumatology, CSM Medical University- formerly King George Medical College, Lucknow)